Can i use microsoft office on a chromebook
Can i use microsoft office on a chromebook

can i use microsoft office on a chromebook

I don't have some of the options that he has and I need them to work on the spreadsheets from my laptop I just downloaded Excel on my Chromebook, but it looks different than it does on my bosses Lenovo. We must have googled the same site: elsewhere on it I found this: I don't mind paying the excel license fee for Chromebook if I knew it would give all of the functionality that would ever be required. The problem we seem to be having is that some of the functionality in 'the standard' excel is missing or different within sheets. Thanks Seeker - but on further googling, Im not sure it does entirely. the question I guess, is whether it is possible to get the proper full blown version of excel to work on a Chromebook type device - or is it better to just change tack and buy a laptop and load the 'normal' MS Office package ?

can i use microsoft office on a chromebook

Some googling suggests you can get 'Excel lite versions' that work in the Chromebook App environment, but from the looks of it, the nature of the course is such that there will be a lot of heavy data work, and there is a danger that the reduced functionality might not be up to the task. If she's going to have to continue working from home for the term - and quite possibly for the rest of the year at this rate - I think things would be a lot simpler if she were at least on the same spreadsheet package / functionality as the rest of the group. Not ideal, since most of the other students in study groups and online discussions seems to have access to Office, and are able to share tips and solutions. With a bit of head scratching and assistance from yours truly, we were able to plough through the analysis after a fashion. Through some logic of its own, it opens the file in google sheets which provides similar - but not identical functionality. The initial problem was that the Chromebook doesn't have excel. One of the first home assignments was to work with 25,000+ data records supplied in an Excel file, and apply various filters to be able to look at the data from different perspectives. She's doing an economics course which from the early assignments looks like it's going to involve a lot of data manipulation and analysis. My daughter has just started her 1st term at University.

Can i use microsoft office on a chromebook