Ehat does it cost to maintain a military tank
Ehat does it cost to maintain a military tank

ehat does it cost to maintain a military tank ehat does it cost to maintain a military tank

"In some cases, Congress is using its appropriate role of oversight. "It's just one example and it's not unique to this year," Harrison said. However, he noted that it was not unusual for Congress to go against the military's recommendations on the budget. Todd Harrison, a Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments analyst, said it was open to question whether the Army and the Marine Corps needed more tanks on top of the estimated 9,000 already in their inventories. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, to suspend tank production. Turner's office did not respond to several requests for comment on why Congress went against the recommendation of Gen. manufacturer of tanks, is in the district of Rep. The General Dynamics Land Systems plant in Lima, the only U.S. Turner chairs the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee and will retain that position in the next Congress.

Ehat does it cost to maintain a military tank